Where to start
Going through the process of your separation or divorce can be overwhelming, and it can be challenging to figure out exactly what you might require. Whether you are just deciding to separate or you’ve been separated for years and now wanting to divorce, we can help you determine what type of agreement you need.
Where to start
What is mediation?
Mediation is a process led by a highly qualified, experienced and impartial professional who will help you and your ex-partner come to an agreement together.
Our team has training in mental health and family law. We are all Registered Family Mediators with a specialization in Separation and Divorce. We will review your documents, provide guidance, and help generate options for the best-possible outcome for your family.
Mediation is less expensive, more efficient and less antagonistic than the court system. But more importantly, mediation keeps you focused on positive outcomes for the longer term, especially where your children are concerned.
We help you divide assets, debts, and work out agreements and future plans. We will help you plan and understand your new roles as parents, and we can integrate other experts, such as child consultants, financial specialists, appraisers and valuators if needed.
We are committed to helping you and your ex bring peace to your family.
How does mediation work?
Each party describes the matter from his or her own point of view and offers possible solutions. The mediators help the parties focus on the issues causing the problem and then help them find a workable and mutually satisfying resolution.
If one party is a stronger negotiator, mediation helps balance the power. When couples express hurt, fear or anger, the mediator will talk about the needs behind the feelings. They reframe the issue to help the couple focus on a mutually acceptable solution. Mediation supports the healing process; helps you focus on your future; eliminates aggressive bargaining and legal games; prioritizes the well-being of the children; addresses the parties’ needs and interests not just their positions and gives you a voice in the process.