Saving you time.
Saving you money.
Moving you forward.
Through future-focused mediation, we help families make the necessary and sometimes very difficult decisions required when a relationship ends.
Our approach
We lay the groundwork for collaborative, respectful resolutions.
We believe the best plans are made in collaboration with other professionals, (including lawyers), to ensure sound decisions are made, but you are in control of the decisions. Mediation can better assist partners to plan for separate homes and financial independence. Children need to maintain a healthy relationship with both parents. Ongoing exposure to conflict is the biggest predictor of how children will cope with your divorce. Some needs change over time, and plans should leave room to consider changes in the future.
We believe the process should be fast, fair, transparent and accessible.
“I just wanted to say thank you for holding the space and giving both Rob and I the information and perspectives we need to move forward. I appreciate you being able to keep us focused on the big picture and the realities that we are both facing.
Also you have an excellent sense of humour.”
Meet our team
Beth Thompson, BSW, RSW, RFM
Beth is passionate about educating, enriching and empowering the people she serves by facilitating cost effective resolutions that reflect each parties’ goals and concerns.
Susan Dedeluk, B.Sc, RFM
Susan is a Registered Family Mediator who is passionate about helping families move forward in the best (and least combative) way possible.
Our philosophy
Parents and partners are much better equipped to make decisions about their family and financial future than a judge.
Money should stay in the family and be used to gain financial stability for the future, not be spent on litigation and fighting.
Even the most difficult decisions can be negotiated with the assistance of an experienced and knowledgeable mediator, which may or may not include individual consultation with lawyers.
Children need to be allowed to continue the business of being children, without ever being stuck in the middle of their parents' conflict.